Vance Joy's "Riptide" Analysation
Lyrical to visual representaion Woman progressively getting more tramatised other scenes of women being scared In Vance Joy's "Riptide" a various references are made, whether its towards domestic violence towards women or jealousy represented by money, "Riptide" is full of post-modernistic references and visual to lyrical references. Riptide's music video, for the majority of it, directly correlates what is being said lyrically, to what is being shown visually. With references to women appearing traumatised, the theme of post modernism is prominent though out. During the beginning, a lyrical to visual reference is present first out, "I was scared of dentist and the dark." whist this is spoken, we are greeted with a woman, presented worried and in a form of dentist equipment. The next scene places women in a sexual light, and not for the first time either, a woman is shown slowly stripping down, this scene can be used to reinforce the stereotypica...